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Tournament Details


October 25, 2024

Check-in: 6:00 PM

Start: 6:30 PM


Chippewa Bowl

235 W Chippewa Ave

South Bend, IN 46614


Entry Fee: $35

Online payments have closed for the 2024 Kings & Queens/Prince & Princess Tournament.

Tournament Rules

  1. This is a handicap tournament and is open to all sanctioned youth bowlers of the SJV USBC for the current sea-son. This also includes all members of the Michiana West High School Bowling Conference. This will be a sanc-tioned tournament through the USBC.

  2. There shall be four divisions as follows:

    • Kings—Boys 170 & Above, Queens—Girls 135 & Above, Prince—Boys 169 & Below, Princess—Girls 134 & below

    • Note: If a Prince or Princess wish to move to the King or Queen Division, they must enter at the lowest average for that Division.

  3. All bowlers will use their highest 23/24 season youth league/high school average. Bowlers who do not have a 23/24 season youth league/high school average, may use their current highest youth league/high school average. A current youth league/high school standing sheet must accompany all entries. Note: Because High School bowls on a challenge pattern, high school averages will be converted to a standard average. The highest between youth league average and converted high school average will be used.

  4. Handicap for all divisions will be 90% of the difference between the bowler’s average and 220. If bowler does not have a current average, he/she will enter with an average of 220.

  5. Proper attire shall be worn. Full length collared shirts (mock or regular), dress pants, jeans with NO holes, or skorts for all tournament play. ANY questionable attire will be ruled by tournament manager.

  6. Any Bowlers caught using any tobacco, vaping or alcohol will be disqualified with NO refund of their entry fee. In addition, any use of Cell Phones, Ipads, or other Electronics shall not be permitted during competition.

  7. Format: Qualifying shall be 3 games on the same pair of lanes. Up to 4 bowlers in each division (based on amount of entries in each division) shall advance to step-ladder finals Tournament Director has the right to combine 2 divisions if there are less than 8 bowlers in a division.

  8. All PAID entries must be to SJV USBC (PO Box 10038, South Bend, IN 46680) NO later than October 19, 2024. Please keep in mind if entry is being mailed. No entries will be accepted without entry fee. CASH ONLY Walk-Ins will be permitted IF there are spots available. Please make checks payable to: SJV USBC. Online Registra-tion is available at: STJOEVALLEYUSBC.COM/K&QP&P (Please retain your confirmation of entry/payment).

  9. Breakdown of fees are as follows: Expenses—$10, Prize fund—$25. All Scholarships will be administered by the USBC SMART Program. All Top Qualifiers shall receive scholarships (NO money will be paid out).

  10. Rules not covered above shall be governed by the USBC.

  11. Tournament Director will have the final say on all disputes and interpretations of these and USBC tournament rules.


Please note:
We love our youth bowlers!!!
As hard as we try to make this a flawless tournament, things happen and adjustment have to be made.
If there is an issue, please address the issue with the tournament director immediately.
If you have any suggestions to improve this tournament, please let us know.
Constructive Criticism is always welcome.

2023 Tournament Results

Congratulations to the 2023 King, Queen, Prince & Princess!

St. Joe Valley USBC Association

P.O. Box 10038

South Bend, IN 46680


© 2023 by St. Joseph Valley USBC Association.

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